
Climate change resilience for perennial crops


Climed-Fruit web conference: presentations are online

The online conference held on 12 and 13 March brought together 28 speakers and more than 1,000 participants from all over Europe: a unique opportunity to learn about new knowledge and practices for tackling climate change. Couldn't make it to the conference? No...

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Climed-Fruit Open Contest: Call for abstracts

As part of the Climed-Fruit project, we are launching an Open Contest for selecting knowledge-ready for-practice issued from EU funded projects, and national or regional initiatives. The goal of Climed-Fruit is to give further European-wide dissemination of these...

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Play to win European visibility for your innovation/solution

As part of the Climed-Fruit project, we are launching a crowd writing contest dedicated to agricultural suppliers, to promote innovations that can help farmers meet the challenges of climate change for perennial crops in the Mediterranean area. To take part, all you...

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Digital cross visits have started!

The project builds on the results of a core group of 9 Operationnal Groups (OGs), each of them coordinated by a consortium member of the project. Each month, one "digital cross visit" is organised between the project members to present one Operationnal Group, its...

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The launch of the Climed-Fruit project took place last October near Milan. This meeting was an opportunity for the partners to get to know each other, to exchange and to present and start the actions that will be implemented during the project. From now, partners will...

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Drapeau Europe

This project has receiving funding from Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) under grant agreement N°101060474

Drapeau Europe

This project has receiving funding from Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) under grant agreement N°101060474

2023 @Studio Pastre & HK Design Graphique I Legal notices I Privay Policy

Drapeau Europe

This project has received funding from Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) under grant agreement N°101060474

2023 @Studio Pastre & HK Design Graphique I Legal notices I Privay Policy