
Climate change resilience for perennial crops



French wine and Vine Institute (IFV)

IFV is an engineering organization that develops technical references necessary for the progress of the wine industry in the fields of plant breeding, viticulture, wine making and product marketing. IFV develops his work in some twenty units located throughout the French winegrowing regions, and and is linked to a network of analysis laboratories and technological platforms close to the winemakers and companies in each region. The IFV has diversified means of disseminating progress (websites, publications, dissemination in the professional press, training, technology transfers in companies).

OG involved in the project: GASCOGN’INNOV, OFIVO



VINIDEA specialists in technical updating for the wine sector. As an expert of knowledge dissemination, VINIDEA organizes courses, seminars and webinars for qualitative development, economic growth and improvement in terms of sustainability of the wine production. It is also involved in research and innovation projects and implements the ENOFORUM congress, an international conference that offers vine and wine technicians a complete overview of the latest innovations in the world.

OG involved in the project: VIRECLI, INTAVIEBIO


South-eastern Europe Advisory Service Network (SEASN)

SEASN is an association of agricultural advisory services, agricultural chambers, agricultural institutes, faculties and non-governmental organisations founded in Bulgaria. The main goal of this association is the digitalization of agriculture in Southeast Europe through EU projects. SEASN’s main activities are based on: collaboration with similar advisory service networks, spreading knowledge about AKIS, dissemination of results of projects, and future trainings to promote capacity building of future rural advisors to support interactive innovations.


Institute for Science Application in Agriculture (IPN)

IPN is a research institute, with several decades of experience, and based on three fields: research – knowledge transfer – advisory services. Through its scientific research work, the Institute contributes to the promotion of the production of safe food and providing food security for the population, economic profitability and sustainable life in rural areas, facing climate change challenges and finding solutions and new opportunities in rational use of resources in agriculture and others.


Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB)

CIHEAM Bari is the Italian site of the intergovernmental organization CIHEAM (Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Mediterranéennes), gathering 13 Mediterranean countries. It is a Centre for post-graduate training, applied scientific research and design of in loco partnership actions within the framework of international research and cooperation programmes.  CIHEAM Bari deals with sustainable agriculture and its applications intended as for example: food security, poverty reduction, efficient use of natural resources, development of sustainable food systems, climate change adaptation…

OG involved in the project: OLTREBIO


Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA)

AVA-ASAJA is a non-profit professional agricultural organisation, whose main purpose is to defend the interests of the agricultural sector. One of his objectives is to promote agricultural research, experimentation and innovation within a national network called ASAJA. The organisation has an experimental farm with a surface area of 33 hectares where the main Valencian crops are represented, predominantly citrus fruits.

OG involved in the project: GO CITRICS, GO AVOCADO


Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU)

Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) is the newest university in Greece. The University’s research policy focuses on basic, technological, applied research that promotes science and development, while respecting academic ethics. HMU promotes cooperation with national and international educational and research institutions.


Spanish Association for Standardization

Non-profit, private and independent organization. Specialized in national, European & international standardization: 35000 standards in catalogue, 15000 experts involved. UNE contributes to the development of the economy by developing technical standards and international cooperation activities. UNE is Spain’s only Standardisation Organisation, designated by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness to the European Commission. Through its activities, it fosters the development of an infrastructure of quality by promoting knowledge transfer and raising business standards.

OG involved in the project: CARBOCERT


Association of Producers in Integrated Protection of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (APPITAD)

Main activities of APPITAD are focused on research, demonstration and dissemination of all technical actions and economic, with a view to improving agricultural crops in integrated production, organic farming and other production methods.

OG involved in the project: New practices in rainfed olive groves strategies for mitigation and adaptationto climate change